
Experience classic games without the hassle of revokes, featuring a library of over 550 GB, GBC, GBA games.
Create a free account now and take all your saved games with you wherever you go!

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Your games and save data always at your fingertips!

No matter where you are, on any device, your save data is always with you! Your saved games are stored on PlayRetro's server, so wherever you log in, your saved games are right there with you!

It's always possible to back up or upload your saved games.

Web Based

PlayRetro offers a web-based platform, enabling gameplay on any modern web browser device. For iOS and iPadOS users, rest assured, there's no need to be concerned about revokes, all while enjoying access to a vast library of over 550 games.

Web Based

Touch, Keyboard, and Controller

PlayRetro accommodates various input methods to enhance your gaming experience. If you prefer customized controls, you have the flexibility to modify them in the settings. Controller compatibility relies on the JavaScript Gamepad API; please note that unsupported controllers, according to the API or your operating system, may not be recognized.

Input Methods